TEE-tee-tuu YENG-kah

Skandia CD, track 5


Credible English Title "Birdcall" Schottische


Heritage See Background Information The music is Finnish, but the dance was taught in Seattle by a Swedish folk dance team.
U.S. Source U.S. source: As learned by Gordon E. Tracie in Seattle in July 1980 from members of Härningarna Folkdans Vänner, a Swedish folk dance team visiting in the United States (see Background Information).
Category Finnish mixer folk dance;
Motivation and application Recreational couple mixer;


Style: Staccato, Finnish minor mode.


Function Recreational couple mixer
Character and form Light, sprightly.
Footwork Parallel (all start on L foot schottische step).
Specific steps Schottische step (not the pattern, just 1, 2, 3, lift throughout).
Dance holds Skater's hold.  Ring hold.  M: shoulder hold.
Formation All dancers (partners not necessary at this stage) in a large ring, hands joined.



1 - 8

Dancers in ring hold, 8 schottische steps (just the 1, 2, 3, lift) to L (CW).

1 - 4

In ring hold, all dance 2 schottische steps forward in to the center of the circle, and 2 schottische steps backwards back to place.
5 - 8 M remain in place, and all W dance 2 schottische steps in to the center, and 2 schottische steps back to place, while M clap on the first counts of each of the 4 measures.
1 - 2 W remain in place, and M dance 2 schottische steps forward diagonally L in to the center, while W dance 2 schottische steps L and R in place.
3 - 8 Taking shoulder hold, M dance in a ring to the L (CW) with 6 more schottische steps, while W continue with L and R schottische steps more or less in place. On the last (8th) schottische step, M break the ring to find partners among the W.

9 - 16

Facing LOD (CCW) in skater’s hold (M on inside, W on outside, R arm over, L arm under), couples dance forward 8 schottische steps.

Note: Any extra W or M continue to stay in the ring as if they have a partner.

After the Chorus, the ring is re-formed to begin another Verse, but at a slightly faster tempo.

The Verse and Chorus are repeated until the end of the music.

Note to musicians: Because the Introduction occurs just once, the structure of the tune is AAAB the first time through only.  Thereafter the pattern is AAB, AAB, . . . .


This simple mixer in basic schottische rhythm was taught in Seattle in July of 1980 by the leader of Härningarna Folkdans Vänner, a Swedish folk dance team visiting the United States from Hedemora.  They called it "Tititi schottische." It was presumably learned by them either in Finland or from Finnish dancers.

The melody, which is very Finnish in character, was composed by the well-known old-time dance composer and orchestra leader, Orvokki Ramsi.  She called her tune "Ti-ti-tyy" after the song of the titmouse bird. Because it is a schottische rhythm, the full name of the melody (and hence the dance patterned after it) is "Ti-ti-tyy jenkka," jenkka being the native Finnish word for schottische.

Copyright © 1997 Skandia Music Foundation TI-TI-TYY

You may freely distribute this document provided you agree to retain this copyright notice and mention that a recording for this dance is on the Viking Skandia CD, available from www.folkdancing.com.